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Replaced Luxul AP with XAP-810

I replaced a Luxul XAP-310 with the XAP-810. I saw better performance and 5Ghz support on the new unit. Easy swap out and the Luxul router recognized it immediately. Falcon was very good at providing a competitive price and excellent customer support during the transaction.

Wireless Access Point: Luxul XAP-810 AC1200 Dual Band

Wireless Access Point: Luxul XAP-810 AC1200 Dual Band

Best Keystone Jack Available

I’ve tried several different keystone jacks and this is the easiest, fastest, and highest quality one I have used. It does require the REVConnect tool, so you need to purchase that if you haven’t already. Once you have the tool and this keystone jack, you will be able to complete your terminations in record time. It’s very easy to use and you will have fewer failures than with other keystone jacks. This is a huge upgrade over the Belden KeyConnect jacks, which use a traditional punchdown tool and break very easily along the edges of the jack. I highly recommend the REVConnect products.

Belden RVAMJKUEW-S1 CAT6A RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, White

Belden RVAMJKUEW-S1 CAT6A RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, White

Quality product

After getting my second, bad batch of jacks (different vendor and different site), I decided to give these a try. I wish I’d bitten the bullet and bought the Belden tool along with these jacks long before now. Installation was simple, and the connection seems much more secure than my previous efforts with punch down jacks. My connections with these jacks have been perfect on the first attempt, every time.

Belden RV6MJKUBL-S1 CAT6 RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, Blue

Belden RV6MJKUBL-S1 CAT6 RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, Blue

Best & Easiest Way to Terminate Ethernet Cable

The Belden REVConnect Termination Tool makes terminating Ethernet cable extremely fast and easy. You just run each twisted pair through their respective Cable Manger channel, put the white conductor on the outside, slide on the Termination Cap, compress with this Termination Tool, and snap on the UTP Jack Interface. No individual punch downs are required, like the KEYConnect, which can lead to broken jacks or poor connections. I highly recommend REVConnect.

Belden RVUTT01 REVConnect Universal Jack Termination Tool

Belden RVUTT01 REVConnect Universal Jack Termination Tool

Office & Warehouse

Falcon Technologies, Inc.

2631 Metro Blvd.
Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Monday – Friday: 7:30AM – 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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Replaced Luxul AP with XAP-810

I replaced a Luxul XAP-310 with the XAP-810. I saw better performance and 5Ghz support on the new unit. Easy swap out and the Luxul router recognized it immediately. Falcon was very good at providing a competitive price and excellent customer support during the transaction.

Wireless Access Point: Luxul XAP-810 AC1200 Dual Band

Wireless Access Point: Luxul XAP-810 AC1200 Dual Band

Best Keystone Jack Available

I’ve tried several different keystone jacks and this is the easiest, fastest, and highest quality one I have used. It does require the REVConnect tool, so you need to purchase that if you haven’t already. Once you have the tool and this keystone jack, you will be able to complete your terminations in record time. It’s very easy to use and you will have fewer failures than with other keystone jacks. This is a huge upgrade over the Belden KeyConnect jacks, which use a traditional punchdown tool and break very easily along the edges of the jack. I highly recommend the REVConnect products.

Belden RVAMJKUEW-S1 CAT6A RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, White

Belden RVAMJKUEW-S1 CAT6A RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, White

Quality product

After getting my second, bad batch of jacks (different vendor and different site), I decided to give these a try. I wish I’d bitten the bullet and bought the Belden tool along with these jacks long before now. Installation was simple, and the connection seems much more secure than my previous efforts with punch down jacks. My connections with these jacks have been perfect on the first attempt, every time.

Belden RV6MJKUBL-S1 CAT6 RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, Blue

Belden RV6MJKUBL-S1 CAT6 RJ45 REVConnect/KeyConnect Jack Module, Blue

Best & Easiest Way to Terminate Ethernet Cable

The Belden REVConnect Termination Tool makes terminating Ethernet cable extremely fast and easy. You just run each twisted pair through their respective Cable Manger channel, put the white conductor on the outside, slide on the Termination Cap, compress with this Termination Tool, and snap on the UTP Jack Interface. No individual punch downs are required, like the KEYConnect, which can lead to broken jacks or poor connections. I highly recommend REVConnect.

Belden RVUTT01 REVConnect Universal Jack Termination Tool

Belden RVUTT01 REVConnect Universal Jack Termination Tool

Discounted Carrier Rates

In-stock items, ship out same day*

$0.00 Tax Collected

Outside of Missouri, No Sales Tax

Top-notch support

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Secure payments

Visa, Mastercard, Amex, PayPal

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