{ if (!response.ok) { console.warn(`If you have removed DialogueAI app, please go to you theme.liquid and remove {% include ‘dialogue’ %} `) } else return response.json() } ) .then(text => { let DialogueInterval1 = setInterval(() => { if (window.DialogueAI != undefined ){ clearInterval(DialogueInterval1); DialogueAI.master_requested = true; DialogueAI.construct(1831, 20553) DialogueAI.startTimeTracking(); getInfo(); DialogueAI.getShopifyCartToken().then(function(e){ let info = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(‘dialogue_shopify’)) info[‘token’] = e; localStorage.setItem(‘dialogue_shopify’,JSON.stringify(info)); }); let websiteBodyInterval1 = setInterval(() => { if (document.body) { clearInterval(websiteBodyInterval1); const range = document.createRange(); const fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text); document.body.appendChild(fragment); } }, 20); setTimeout(() => {clearInterval(websiteBodyInterval1)}, 8000) } }, 10); setTimeout(() => {clearInterval(DialogueInterval1)}, 8000) }).catch(function() { console.warn(`If you have removed DialogueAI app, please go to you theme.liquid and remove {% include ‘dialogue’ %} `) }); }(); function getInfo(){ DialogueAI.settings.categories = []; DialogueAI.settings.skus = []; window.DialogueShopify = window.DialogueShopify === undefined ? {} : DialogueShopify; DialogueShopify.page_info = { page_type: “o404”, id: null }; DialogueShopify.tags = []; DialogueShopify.single_vendor = false; DialogueShopify.locale = “” DialogueShopify.StoreInfo = { Theme: “Firefold 15-August-2023″ }; DialogueShopify.conversion_rate = 0 let cart_obj = [] DialogueAI.settings.cart_price = 0.00; DialogueShopify.cart = {‘items’:cart_obj, ‘total’:”0.00” }; let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams; DialogueAI.settings.search = params.get(“q”) || params.get(“search”) } ]]> 404 Not Found – FireFold Skip to content
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{ if (!response.ok) { console.warn(`If you have removed DialogueAI app, please go to you theme.liquid and remove {% include ‘dialogue’ %} `) } else return response.json() } ) .then(ms => { let DialogueInterval1 = setInterval(() => { if (window.DialogueAI != undefined ){ clearInterval(DialogueInterval1); DialogueAI.master_requested = true; DialogueAI.first_call = false; DialogueAI.setCartType(ms.cart_type) // Init constructor DialogueAI.construct(ms.user_id, ms.store_id) // handle received store settings DialogueAI.handleSettings(ms.settings); // start time tracking DialogueAI.startTimeTracking(); getDaiInfo(); DialogueAI.getShopifyCartToken().then(function(e){ let info = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(‘dialogue_shopify’)) info[‘token’] = e; localStorage.setItem(‘dialogue_shopify’,JSON.stringify(info)); }); let websiteBodyInterval1 = setInterval(() => { if (document.body) { clearInterval(websiteBodyInterval1); const range = document.createRange(); const fragment = range.createContextualFragment(ms.script); document.body.appendChild(fragment); } }, 20); setTimeout(() => {clearInterval(websiteBodyInterval1)}, 8000) } }, 10); setTimeout(() => {clearInterval(DialogueInterval1)}, 8000) }).catch(function() { console.warn(`If you have removed DialogueAI app, please go to you theme.liquid and remove {% include ‘dialogue’ %} `) }); }(); function getDaiInfo(){ DialogueAI.settings.categories = []; DialogueAI.settings.skus = []; window.DialogueShopify = window.DialogueShopify === undefined ? {} : DialogueShopify; DialogueShopify.page_info = { page_type: “o404”, id: null }; DialogueShopify.tags = []; DialogueShopify.single_vendor = false; DialogueShopify.locale = “” DialogueShopify.StoreInfo = { Theme: “” }; DialogueShopify.conversion_rate = 0 let cart_obj = [] DialogueAI.settings.cart_price = Number(0)/100; DialogueAI.cart_data.total_price = Number(0)/100; DialogueShopify.cart = {‘items’: cart_obj, ‘total’: Number(0)/100 }; let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams; DialogueAI.settings.search = params.get(“q”) || params.get(“search”) } ]]>